Friday, November 8, 2013

Best Kids toys and gifts for this holiday season Kid satisfaction guaranteed.

Best Kids toys
The Gifts that keeps on Giving

Be it early shopping for this Christmas or you getting the jump on on your kids love of the holiday season it's important that you get your kids the right kinds of toys. Why you may ask? Well for one kids are brutally honest and they will show there satisfaction or lack thereof for what you have gotten them this holiday.

So what do you get them? Well it's simple, go for the best toys money can buy that they would be crazy to pass up.

Best Kids toys
Stuart from Despicable ME 

To kick our list of we have the Despicable me 2 minion Stuart, you just can't go wrong with the lovable minions of Despicable me they practically stole the Despicable Me   Movie franchise, the movie could basically be called minions. Now if your kids haven't seen it they should trust me they will not be able to get enough both parts one and two.

Now if all else fails you can always go cute a cuddly this holiday and get a totally irresistible teddy that will sure to warm the heart of your child or any one that comes withing viewing distance of this cute teddy.
Best Kids toys
Cute and cuddly wins hands down

Best Kids toys
Nintendo 3Ds

If you can find a kid that does not want a video game console this holiday season i will literally pay you. Now while there are a number of options out there in this regard none does a better job than the granddaddy of all handhelds the Nintendo and with the latest console the 3DS with interchangeable games guarantee hours of nonstop fun there is simply no toy that can beat this one.

Now if you would like to save some real cash you can grab the 2DS which is a value version of the 3DS that does the same thing with some features remove to save on price.
Best Kids toys
Nintendo 2DS

With a Nintendo handheld console all you need to complete the set is a good game such as Pokemon X or Y or other great games, you can fin the latest and greatest games by clicking here.

For the young girl seeking a toy nothing says cute and fashionable as the latest and unique Barbie doll, dress her up, add or remove accessories it makes no difference Barbie's are some of the best dolls if not the best out there today and she will still be around tomorrow.

Best Kids toys
Fashionista Barbie

Best Kids toys
There are Lego for Girls too

There is a reason why Lego is a multibillion dollar company, they know there toys and for generation kids cannot get enough of these especially young boys. Appeal to their innate instinct to build, design and yes ultimately demolish there works of art to build again. In no other company or product will you find the flexibility for endless hours of fun and a means of sparking your child's imaginative side than with Lego's.
Best Kids toys
Lego Delux Brick Box
Kids will go nuts for transformers, I can still remember by first transformers toy from so long ago. One minute it was a truck or car and the other it was an assume robot capable of doing my bidding. Check out the entire transformable collection here.
Best Kids toys
Transform from Truck ....

Best Kids toys

If so far none of these gift ideas are floating you or your kid's boats there is always the chance you can go real old school and get them some prehistoric fun with a Dinosaur play set.

Best Kids toys
Cram Packed with Fun
There is also the fun that can be experience with a Military play set with plastic miniature solders that's sure to be a fun hit with young boys.
Best Kids toys
Toy Soldiers
Now if we haven't touched every major toy young boys would die for already let's put the nail in the coffin with the latest and best action figures of their favorite super heroes, now if that does not do it nothing else will trust me. See the full collection of action figures here.

Best Kids toys
Action Figures

Now with the final recommendation on our list we have left one of the best options for last which is another handheld video game system. If your child is not into Nintendo trust me the PSP Vita is the next viable option, it is also one of the best kids toys and options on the planet, every kid literally wants one for the major part.

Best Kids toys
PSP Vita
Be also reminded to get a solid game with this device here.

Get More Great Kids Toys Selections by clicking here.

So what do you think of our selection is there something that just pops out at you that would be perfect for your child or do you have an even better suggestion? Let us know in the comments section.

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